Tuesday 7 December 2010

Action plan

Firstly I will have to research current magazines and see what there similarities are and what the magazines include so I know what my magazine will have to look like to appeal to my intended audience, also I will know what features to include such as a masthead and main cover image. I must also look inside the magazines at things such as the contents page and articles in the magazine so I will know what the layuot is like and also what to include in things like the contents page.

As well as looking at current magazines I will also have to look into what people want from a music magazine for example what type of music would people like the magazine to be based on. I can also find out things that will be important for the magazine such as, what peoples favourite colour scheme is which is important as it will help the magazine be more appealing to people. I will find out this inforamtion by doing a short questionairre, this will help me know what people want in a music magazine, it will also help me find out if there is a gap in the current market that I could fill by making a new magazine.

Once I have got all the information and resources I need I will produce the magazine, it must include a front cover, a contents page and also a two page spread.