Monday 22 November 2010

preliminary evaluation

Good things that I found when producing my magazine cover and contents mock-up were that I found it easy to layout the magazine cover and contents page because I had made a magazine cover before in a previous task so I knew how to lay it out and also what to include on the magazine cover, for example masthead and main cover image. Something else that I found when doing the preliminary task was taking the photographs for my magazine cover as it is easy to get a photo that is relevant to your magazine cover instead of one of the internet that does not link to your magazine cover.

One of the bad things that I found when doing the preliminary task was that I had not used photoshop for a long time and kept making time consuming mistakes, so I had to learn how to use it properly again which took time that I did not have which badly affected how I did the task. Another thing that I found when doing the task is that I was not very good at managing my time and I ended up spending to much time on the cover of my magazine and deciding what to put on it and therefore I had to rush my contents page at the end of the task.

When doing my next task I will have to make sure I know how to use all the programs needed to do the task properly before I start the task, therefore I will not have to waste time during the task to learn how to use things properly. Another things I must do to improve the way I work on the next task is to have a plan of which parts I am going to work on and when so I will not spend the majority of my time on one area and then having to rush the next area.

To develop my work for next time I must make sure I know how to use all the programs and equipment I will need to do the task properly to avoid wasting time. I must also plan what I am going to do while doing the task before I start it so I will not run out of time or spend too much time on one particular area of the task.

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