Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation: How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by using a wide variety of features on my magazine that I felt would appeal to my audience. It was important that I researched my audience as I needed to know what things that they liked so I could attract them towards my magazine. To find out what my target audience liked I handed out questionnaire’s asking them about things such as what their favourite colour schemes were, this allowed me to choose colours that would attract my target audience and also make sure that my magazine would be eye catching. Also in the very early stages of my planning I did a questionnaire asking people about their favourite genre of music so I knew which genres would make for a popular magazine, doing these questionnaires is also a good way of addressing my audience because it would encourage them to buy the magazine if they feel like they have assisted in producing it. I also used a chatty style of language to help attract my audience as a serious and too formal style of language would have probably made my target audience disinterested in the magazine whereas the chatty style will be appealing to the type of people that will read my magazine. I also considered the images in my magazine and when I was taking the pictures for my special feature and I took them in a rough looking city area, I did this because my target audience live in similar areas to the one in the picture, this will help to attract my audience because they would be seeing a similar area to the one they live in and this would encourage them to read the magazine as it would help them to relate to the artist they are reading about.

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