Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation: Who could be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my magazine would be teenagers aged 13 – 19, mainly boys, who have an interest in Hip –Hop music. They would most likely live in urban areas in big cities such as London, Birmingham and Sheffield and attend state schools also they would probably be in a family that had a fairly low income. They would dress like the artists that they read about in the magazine as that is the style for Hip – Hop music, for example they would wear baggy jeans or tracksuit bottoms and most likely a branded hoody like Addidas or Nike and a t-shirt, they would also probably wear a baseball cap and probably a lot of jewellery such as chains and rings, they would be likely to wear Nike basketball trainers or Nike high-tops. They would probably not be that interested in terms of education, however they would probably enjoy playing sports such as basketball and football however they may not take their sports too seriously. Other interests and hobbies would be playing computer games and listening to music, they would also like to go out with their friends a lot and hang around on the street. My audience will be quite laid back people and they will not be particularly outgoing. They are most likely to live in small city terrace houses or flats due to them having a lower income bracket. My audience will like to idolise people such as kanye west who are worldwide hip – hop stars as they like this genre of music and will look up to people like him. They will also idolise people who have “rags to riches” life stories such as 50 cent as they will feel like they are in the same position as he once was and he has gone from having almost nothing to being a worldwide star and they will be able to relate to the artist and therefore idolise them, this is one of the main reasons I included the artist I did in my magazine as he has a “rags to riches” story and this could make them want to read the magazine more as he would have the likeability factor.

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