Sunday 6 February 2011

Analysis of existing products: NME magazine

Current magazine covers are all very similar in the way they are layed out and what is on them, for example magazine covers are very busy with lots of text and images on them. most current magazines will have a large main cover image with large text, with information of the main feature, but the rest of the front cover will be crammed with text giving information of other features in the magazine, when i have looked at various different magazine covers i have noticed that there is hardly ever any blank space, this enables the magazine to look as apealing as possible as it will give the reader the impression that it will be full of exciting features, it also makes the magazine more eyecatching. something else that i have noticed about current magazines is that there is no structure to where things are positioned on the front cover, for example text will be often be at an angle and be off center on the front cover this is something else that will make a magazine more eyecatching. the colour schemes of magazines seem to match with each other for example the cover to the right is predominantly red and white which are two colours that go, however something that i have noticed is the colour scheme often changes with each issueoften depending on what band the main feature is about. Also the font size and style used changes alot on the front cover for example information of the main features will be written in a larger, more eycatching font whereas other smaller features will be written in a smaller font.

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