Sunday 6 February 2011

Institution: distribution and advertising process

Firstly the magazine must be sent to a reliable printing company so that the producers will know that there magazine is printed on time. Then a reliable delivery company must be chosen so that the magazine gets in the shops on time.

Advertising is very important because if people do not know about your magazine they will not buy it. The internet is a very effective way of advertising as it is widely used by millions of people, however you cannot just advertise it on any website because for example if you advertised a music magazine on a cooking website it would not be an effective way of advertising as your target market are unlikely to be looking at a cooking website. If possible oyu should try to advertise your magazine on a website such as PLAY.COM as this is a website that sells cd's and therefore is a website that your target audience are likely to visit.

Another good way of advertising, and possibly the most common way, is on the television, but once again the same rule applies as with internet, only advertise on a channel that your target audience are likely to watch, for example if it is a hip-hop magazine advertise on the MTV BASE channel. However although advertising on the television can be very effective it can also be very expensive so you would have to be sure that it would be worth it before advertising on the tv.

You could also advertise a magazine by putting up posters, this could be turned into a very effective way of advertising by putting up posters at venues for concerts, for example if you are advertising a rock magazine you could put up posters at a venue for a rock concert, this would ensure that your target audience would see the advertisement.

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