Sunday 6 February 2011

Institution: production process

The process of producing a magazine will often start with the editor and the publisher deciding on a date that the magazine will be in the shops for. Then the team who produce the magazine will be able to set deadlines for certain stages of the magazine production for example when the front cover must be completed.

once all the deadlines have been decided the production process can begin. Different members of the production team will have different jobs. Firstly things like layout, features, images and colours of the magazine will be decided. People will have to research the information that will be in the magazine, for example interviews with bands and finding out information of upcoming events in the music industry, while all this is happening the production manager will be constantly checking the progress of the magazines production. once everything has been decided, all research has been done and images taken the editors will start to produce the magazine.

when the magazine has been fully edited it will be sent to a printing press to be printed and then distributed to various shops.

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