Wednesday 2 February 2011

Current market research

In order to find things such as gaps in the market I researched current magazines like the ones above. I also looked at them to find out things such as how magazines are layed out, for exampe what colour schemes are used. Doing this research was very useful in order to know how to lay out my magazine so that it was appealing so people would want to read it. Doing this research helped me find gaps in the market for example I found that most of the popular magazines such as Q, NME and Kerrang focus mainly on indie and rock music which showed me that there was a gap in the market for magazine that focus on genre's such as pop, rap and hip-hop. I also looked at the content of the popular music magazines so that I knew what features to include, for example I found that there were alot of interviews with different artists and also previews of upcoming gigs and albums.

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